Task 3: The Importance of communication skills for engineers


  " Without clear lines of communication, our ideas would stay within our own small development teams instead of becoming mature products. While this is obvious to those of us who have become experienced engineers, the real question is: Why is it lost to us when we are engineering students?"


                                                               Akbar R Khan, Software Systems Engineer, USA,

                                                                                              "Good Communication Is Essential..."

I believe that he is suggesting that clear communication is critical in the world of engineering, and without it, innovative ideas would just be ideas and never progress into fully realized products. He further explores the lack of communication as engineering students, which may be due to factors such as inexperience, stronger focus on technical skills, limited exposure to real world projects or just the lack of education in communication in an engineering course. He welcomes us to speculate on why this important  skill is lost on engineering students. 

I believe the overall message is how important and crucial communication is in the real world, and how efforts should be made to try to encourage and instill this understanding in engineering students from the start of their education.


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